A Message from the President (January 2017)
January 9, 2017A Message from the President (January 2017)
January 28, 2017Artist of the Month: Ben Hudson

From an early age on the farm, Ben Hudson knew that music was going to be important in his life… and with a background in piano and guitar, Ben decided to take the leap and show the world that he had country music inside of him that needed to get out and be shared.
2016 was a big year for Hudson with the February release of his self-titled EP, shows on a heap of stages, a CMAO nomination for the Rising Star Award, and with the momentum that he built, it looks like 2017 will be another step in his country music career. In January of last year Ben was also tagged as CMT Canada’s Fresh Face Artist, giving him that shot of awareness and attention that artists know the value of.
One of those 2017 big step moments is going to come early in the year as Hudson takes the stage to open for CCMA Male Artist of the Year, Brett Kissel at the River Run Centre in Guelph on January 18th. And having seen Hudson on a couple of stages, we know he’s going to grab the attention of that crowd before Brett comes on to headline.
Listening to Hudson’s songs it’s easy to hear the influence of country artists that came before him. The influences of Hank Williams, George Jones, Randy Travis and Kenny Rogers have stuck with him from those early days on the Uxbridge, ON farm – and they aren’t out of place at all when paired with his deep, smooth voice and the excellent musicianship on the EP.
In September we caught up with Ben during Canadian Country Music Week in London, ON and asked him what the first song he knew all the words to was, and his answer was Hank Williams, “I Saw The Light” – the influence truly has held on from the earliest of days.
Hudson has shown that he’s willing to work hard and make things happen with shows both big and small, and songwriting sessions at home and in Nashville. Now we’ll all just have to see how 2017 comes together for the tallest man we know in country music.
To learn more about Ben, keep track of his upcoming tour dates, and see photos from behind the scenes, make sure to follow him through his social media channels and visit his website!
Website: www.benhudsonmusic.com
Facebook: Ben Hudson Music
Twitter: @benhudsonmusic
Instagram: @benhudsonmusic
YouTube: Ben Hudson
iTunes: Ben Hudson
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